Monday, February 9, 2009

George Rodrigue

I spent a lot of time this weekend babysitting at my friend's house. She is an art collector and I love going to her house and looking at all of her pieces. One artist that she admires, which I have come to like is George Rodrigue. He is from Louisiana, and does a series of different color dogs with a variety of backgrounds. He uses vibrant colors against white or black backgrounds, and the imagery really stands out. She has one piece in her house that is a blue dog with yellow and white butterfly wings. It is pretty large and it makes a big statement on her wall. She also has a book all about Rodrigue. Most of the artists that she collects are from Louisiana specifically New Orleans, because it is where she is from. The paintings are so colorful and the elements come alive within the frame. It is a beautiful place and I hope to visit soon.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Appreciating art in nature

Last weekend I went up north to Vermont to go skiing at Sugarbush Mountain in Warren, Vermont. I have gone skiing at a lot of different mountains all over New England, and this was by far the most beautiful place, out of them all. On Saturday the sky and the trees looked surreal. The colors were unbelievable. The sky was bright blue and all of the trees and scenery had a white snowy wash. The views were amazing. From the top of the mountain everywhere I looked there were just mountains, trees, and little tiny buildings. Of course, my camera was dead on Friday when we got there! But I will post some pictures that I took on the way. The scenery there really made me appreciate what a beautiful place the Earth can be. Coming back to RI was so different. Being in Vermont seeing the amazing scenery and the different ways that people live up there, makes me want to just go and explore more.

Art Institute of Chicago

Hey Everyone! This is my first post, and I wanted to write a little bit about the first guest speaker we had last Wednesday. I thought the presentation was amazing, and the school was really impressive. It was awesome that they let you choose what you want to take and there is no curriculum, so you can explore whatever classes you like. I think that that is really important because as you learn more and more you may find out that the direction you thought you wanted to go in, was not really the one you loved. Although, I never pictured myself living in a big city like that, it looked like a great school to go to. I appreciated the opportunity to listen to Greyson Hong about the school and his own experiences there.