Saturday, February 7, 2009

Appreciating art in nature

Last weekend I went up north to Vermont to go skiing at Sugarbush Mountain in Warren, Vermont. I have gone skiing at a lot of different mountains all over New England, and this was by far the most beautiful place, out of them all. On Saturday the sky and the trees looked surreal. The colors were unbelievable. The sky was bright blue and all of the trees and scenery had a white snowy wash. The views were amazing. From the top of the mountain everywhere I looked there were just mountains, trees, and little tiny buildings. Of course, my camera was dead on Friday when we got there! But I will post some pictures that I took on the way. The scenery there really made me appreciate what a beautiful place the Earth can be. Coming back to RI was so different. Being in Vermont seeing the amazing scenery and the different ways that people live up there, makes me want to just go and explore more.

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